IQM is a hands-free energetic healing modality that can support you to release negative blocks within your mind, body and spirit.
IQM is a unique blend of Eastern, Western and Quantum Medicine (Chinese Energetic Medicine and Quantum Physics) that can support the realigning of energy flow to support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing.
How does it work?
IQM works remotely (because we are all connected energetically, so we don have to be in the same room or even on a phone call!)
IQM works by connecting to source energy that communicates on deeper levels of consciousness in order to clear any blocks in the flow of the energy within the energy field to support the healing potential of the body.
When we apply this to healing our relationship to food, body and self, we look at addressing the source of beliefs, tension and memories held within the body that are blocking us from living in our purest potential.
How can IQM work for you?
Here are just some of the elements that can be explored through IQM:
Clear trauma affecting your eating challenges
Strengthen your connection to your mind, body and emotions
Clear any blocks and limiting beliefs around your beliefs to overcome your food and body challenges
Reduce identification with diet culture, yo-yo dieting, and challenges around food
Remove the need and use of the behaviours for safety
Clear collective conscious connections to diet culture
Address psychological blockages that:
Clear blockages and beliefs you disempowered to your eating behaviours and challenges
Clear beliefs that restrict you from believing healing and freedom is available
Clear conditioned behaviours and patterning around food, diets and body talk
Clear the identification and emotional attachment to coping behaviours
Mental and Emotional clearing around:
Fears around food and eating
Fears about the body and body changes
Repressed emotions contributing to behaviours as coping mechanisms
Connection to intuition
Desires for balanced health and body
Thoughts and behavioural patterns and beliefs around food and body
Self-imposed limitations and blockages in the healing potential of your challenges around food and body
Emotional triggers that contribute to blockages
Thoughts around food, restriction, bingeing and yo-yo dieting
Attachments to guilt and shame around food and body
Rebalance and clear any physiological factors such as blockages or stagnation within:
Dietary and nutrient imbalances
Metabolism and energy conversion
Cellular waste and toxins
Hormonal and endocrine function
Menstrual imbalances
Skin issues
Sleep problems
Digestive issues
Healing these elements provides a platform to release the blocks holding us back in our health and life. This powerful technique can further support us in
Clearing old belief systems, insecurity and self-doubt
Transform perception of self
Clear past memories and trauma
Strengthen self-belief
Rebalance emotions
Strengthening personal power
Strengthen connection to life purpose
Can you use IQM for other blocks, symptoms and challenges?
IQM can be applied to any issue, block or ailment, not just issues around food and body.
How can I receive IQM?
As part of my 1-2-1 programs I will be offering IQM should you want to incorporate his healing modality in.
I will also be offering these healing sessions as individual sessions that can be carried out on a one-off basis however, the more sessions that you have and the more energetic work is carried out, the deeper we can go in reaching and supporting the healing of deeper rooted issues at the core of the blocks.